Resources-Censorship-Language Arts


"Los Censores (The Censors)” by Luisa Valenzuela, (2000)

“Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut, (1961)


PDF for Debate Rubric

PDF for Poster Design Rubric


American Rhetoric: Movie Speech from "Inherit the Wind" (1960), Henry Drummond Questions Matthew Brady on the Bible.

The New York Times, "Room for Debate: When Free Speech Feels Wrong," (Picketing Funerals), March 3, 2011.

"Books Challenged or Banned in 2010-2011", Robert P. Doyle, online pamphlet, published by the American Library Association. (Used by permission from the Office for Intellectual Freedom, American Library Association.)

Wikipedia, "List of Books Banned by Governments."


Posters designed for American Library Association’s Banned Books Week [LINK TO JPEGS]
(Used by permission from the Office for Intellectual Freedom, American Library Association)